The Exhibition Fantail

Exhibition Fantail or English / American Style Fantail

The Exhibition or English / American Style Fantail is the most common style of fantail that is seen at most shows. 

They are a bird that comes in many colours but in the show arena they must present all the qualities and characteristics shown in the pages of this WEB under "THINGS TO LOOK FOR".

These birds have a number of levels of show quality from entry level to top level show bird, striving for the perfect bird is the show exhibitors goal and what makes for a continually improving beautifull show breed of pigeon.



Latest comments

05.10 | 00:53

I would love to know how it was developed. years ago i tried to hybridize the indian ringneck dove & the indian fantail. I got fertile eggs but never a chick

23.06 | 04:07

Hi I am wanting a fan tall pigeon way is the cost and were are you based please contact me back

17.05 | 17:23

Hi I need Mindian fantails black and Andalusian colours

18.01 | 05:28

Looking to buy a male fantail? What do you currently have available? Thank you