Things to look for

The cock bird above is refered to as a blue or blue bar. Colour should be true, Clear, and Clean. Broken colours like spangles and pieds are less likely to do well at the shows. Those who are up with genetics will say there are only three colours in pigeons and they are Blue, Brown, and Ash Red, the rest of the colours we see are only overlayed pigments but for this exercise the colour you see is the colour I shall refer to.
The head and neck of the Ash red coloured hen bird above sits well into the cushion (the area where the tail meets the back ) the head should be small and continue the outside body ball shape of the bird as near as possible.
The side veiw of the body of the Andalusian hen bird above forms a round ball shape, If you look from the upper leg following the keel around and over the chest including the head it almost forms a circle. American Fantails should not stand tall or have their head too far out of the ball shape this rounded shape should continue when looking at the bird from front on.

Latest comments

05.10 | 00:53

I would love to know how it was developed. years ago i tried to hybridize the indian ringneck dove & the indian fantail. I got fertile eggs but never a chick

23.06 | 04:07

Hi I am wanting a fan tall pigeon way is the cost and were are you based please contact me back

17.05 | 17:23

Hi I need Mindian fantails black and Andalusian colours

18.01 | 05:28

Looking to buy a male fantail? What do you currently have available? Thank you