The Mealy Cock American show fantail above has a good round body, dainty feet, wide stance, however it has not had it's tail laced, and the edge of the secondary wing flights do not follow a straight line through the edge of the primary wing flights commonly called a break in the wing line, if the wing line was true the tips of the wing would just touch the floor ( compare to the andalusian on the previous page )

Husnain Arshad 24.04.2020 06:30

My Name is Husnain from Lahore Pakistan. can you tell me the price of exhibition fantail pigeon and also available in Pakistan?

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05.10 | 00:53

I would love to know how it was developed. years ago i tried to hybridize the indian ringneck dove & the indian fantail. I got fertile eggs but never a chick

23.06 | 04:07

Hi I am wanting a fan tall pigeon way is the cost and were are you based please contact me back

17.05 | 17:23

Hi I need Mindian fantails black and Andalusian colours

18.01 | 05:28

Looking to buy a male fantail? What do you currently have available? Thank you